How to Install Eleventy 11ty

Tutorial how to firts installation eleventy 11ty static site generator

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Tags : eleventy installation jamstack static site generator

Author : Eleventy Dev

How to Install Eleventy 11ty

Eleventy requires Node.js 14. You can check whether or not you have Node installed by running node --version in a Terminal. (Well, wait—what is a Terminal?) If node is not found or it reports a version number below 14, you will need to install Node.js before moving on.

Create a directory for your project using the mkdir command (short for make directory):

mkdir eleventy-sample

Now move into that directory with the cd command (short for change directory):

cd eleventy-sample

Create a package.json

Installing Eleventy into a project requires a package.json file.

npm init -y

The npm command (included with Node.js) will create a package.json file for you with npm init -y. The -y flag tells npm to use default values and skips the questionnaire.

Install Eleventy

@11ty/eleventy is published on npm and we can install and save it into our project’s package.json by running:

npm install @11ty/eleventy

Run Project

npx @11ty/eleventy

We can use the npx command (also provided by Node.js) to run our local project's version of Eleventy.